Who is Lolo Pipa?
Lolo Pipa is an emotion.
Published on: 12 January, 2025
People, in general, do care a lot about their first impression, don't they? Sometimes we fuck up things and sometimes we kill it. It’s a little ridiculous how much we care about it. We believe that first impressions really matter, really-really-matters!. That's why we always bathe before going on any first meeting and put on our best clothes.
But wait? Why are we talking about all this? Bathing and stupid stuff, huh?
Before we dive into anything, we want to make one thing clear: This blog is where you’ll get to know Lolo Pipa - everything from design to the kind of music we listen to.
Honestly, we have been thinking of pushing our first blog since Jan 1, 2022. I think the only reason we did not post any shit is because first I think we are fucking-obsessive crazy people who care about things wayyy too much.
We overthink.
We chase perfection.
We forgot half the ideas we had after obsessing over them.
This year. We will make sure. Our ideas and thought processes are heard. Rather than writing about a million things in the To-Dos Notebook. We will get ten of them in action!
So, Let’s begin!
Who is Lolo Pipa, after all?
We are a pair who people perceive as twins or perhaps a couple? We are neither. We are two really drug-injected people who get overly over-excited about things we love. If you ever want to spot us without ever seeing us. Just look for people who have a very uniquely formal, but friendly kind of clothing (often colorful or just black and white) and are jumping like popcorn here and there whenever they hear the word design. General facts to know about us. We are college dropouts. We've (working) thinking together for the last 6 years. we are not professional with each other, as in, we say truth on face. We don’t like diplomats.
We started design way back in 2020, right before we got enrolled in an engineering college [shit], which we never went to and eventually dropped out because we got so into design by the time we reached the 2nd year of our college. We are not “academically-taught” designers. We’ve learned from books and people. Debbie Mill! Big Thanks to you for getting great people on board! Adobe Wireframe has been a great early lesson! Massimo Vignelli, The guy who wrote the orange book, is just to name a few. We’ve learned design bit by bit because of all these people. We will be talking a lot more about these people and lessons learned in a lot more depth.
Until then, just try to keep a few things in mind-
Lolo Pipa is about emotion. If you’re reading us, you’ll know exactly how we think, feel, and see the world. No filters, no pretense. You’ll feel Lolo Pipa in every word.
This is an open invitation for everyone who is reading this.
You’re now part of this. Share your ideas, discuss with us, argue with us, inspire us—or book a call to chat or anything man.
Phew, That's it, my friends. This is just the beginning there's so much more to share our practice and experience with everyone. We are looking forward to posting at least one blog every month and would love to discuss it with you all. Thank you for being a part of our story. Let's create something beautiful together. Learn more
Lolo Pipa